
A PV system is only as strong as the components used. That is why we at Lunaco bank on our powerful and attractively priced brand luxra:
modules, substructures and inverters including temporary energy storage device and many accessories – luxra is the complete system for every PV application.

The special plus: Guarantor is Luxra AG, one of the most powerful companies in the market, which is also ready to help in the event of service. Lunaco – Your all-round system provider.

In addition, we also keep many components from renowned manufacturers:

Das starke Komplettsystem für alle PV-Anwendungen
Wechselrichter von Fronius
Wechselrichter von HUAWEI
Wechselrichter von REFUSOL
Unterkonstruktionen von MPTEC
Unterkonstruktionen von ILZOSURF
Unterkonstruktionen von HILTI
Unterkonstruktionen von QSTAIN
Energiespeicher von VARTA
Energiespeicher von SOLARinvert